Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chapter 8- His Fears

Since my husband doesn't strike me as a fearful kind of man, I was surprised at how he responded to me asking him about his fears. After reading this chapter I realized I didn't have a clue about what my husband feared. I thought he constantly had his mind occupied with more practical things than fear. When I asked him what his fears were, his biggest one seemed to be for our children. He is afraid that because he walked away from the Lord in his youth that our children will also. He fears our children bearing the kinds of scars he does from his own sin. What an insight that was to me about my husband. He also said he feared loosing me. Yesterday I went to the doctor and Amos stayed home with Elijah because Elijah was napping. Amos told me that when I left he just kept thinking, 'what if something happens to her and I'm not there'. He said he wanted to be able to drive me and make sure I got there safely. ( I tried not to take this as an insult to my driving) Seriously though, I realized not only how much my husband loves me and his family, but that he does struggle with fear. Not only am I blessed to pray for my husband, but also to know him a little deeper.

Lord I pray that we would trust You in our everyday life, knowing that you are in control and you promise purpose, even through trials, for those who love you and are called according to your purpose. When my husband begins to fear for his family, Lord I pray that you would help him to remember Your sovereignty. Help Amos to remember that the You loves us (his family) even more than he does. Help Amos to remember that You have a will for our family. Help us to be wise parents who raise our children to fear only the Lord. Any other fears that my husband may have Lord, I pray that he would surrender them to you. Thank you for the godly man that he is. Thank you that he loves you and desires to serve you and have a family who serves you. Please always remind him that You are our strength and our refuge. Let him always find his peace and rest in the glory of your salvation. Help him to remember that if You are for us Lord, than no one can really be against us. Remind him of the battle you won on Calvary. Help that to calm his fears. When fear overtakes him, remind him that we serve a risen God. I pray these things for all our husbands. Help us to be women who know our husbands well and desire to put their needs before our own.


Ilka said...

Amazingly enough, after I had finished reading this chapter, Travis walked into our bedroom very quiet (at this precise time I did not know he was upset at me because earlier I had not answer his phone call and I had arrived home later than usual....of note the enemy had already planted a seed for us to fight)

Back to Travis walking into the bedroom quiet. I went ahead and told him I was praying for him at the end of reading this chapter (His Fear), for the Holy spirit to cast any fears/doubts/anxiety out of his mind. Then I began telling him of the hard day at work, my own struggles during the day and how I will say some simple prayers to God and for Him to take control. I also explained to Travis why I had not answer his phone call-->my cell phone battery died. While I continue talking to Travis, his countenance changed, I sensed and the Holy spirit reveal to me Travis was bothered when he first came in. I learned that night Travis fears "unfaithfullness". I know about Travis past, but not details, and he has been hurt before by betrayal/unfaithfulness.

I thank the Holy Spirit that I did not act defensively at that moment, Jesus gave me the words to affirm Travis, letting him know that we have a covenant with our Holy God, Jesus.

Lord I bring before you Travis' fears/doubts/and spirits of torment to your thrown. Lord your word says that You have not giving us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and sound mind (2timothy 1:7). Lord may Travis and all of our husbands fear You only, Proverbs 1:7, "The fear of the Lord, its the beginning knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discpline".

Father Jesus thank you for your word, may our husbands meditate in your word, may they fully equip themselves with your presence and keep them strong/steadfast that they allow no fear to enter their lives, set them free from fear. In Jesus name. AMEN.

Jessica said...

Often times I think that us wives view our husbands as fearless leaders. I think this is partially b/c of the role that God designed for husbands. Our husbands are called to be strong leaders of their families. But we must remember that our husband are human too. They all have their own fears, but it is our role to pray for our husbands that they may find strength to overcome these fears in the power of our God, so that they may become fearless leaders only fearing the Lord himself.

Tony fears circumstances in which he feels are out of his control. Yes, yes, I guess you can label him as a control freak. So, I pray...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please show Tony that he does not need to be in control because you are in control and you know what is best for us. Lord, please release our husbands of tormenting fear and help them to let go and give it all to you. Lord, let them remember that there is no need to be afraid for they are Your sons and You are their Heavenly Father who loves them so dearly.

In the Name of Jesus We Pray,
