Monday, March 9, 2009

Chapter 10- His choices

"If you husband is not a full time fool..." that cracked me up. Thankfully my husband is not a full time fool, nor do I think any of our husbands are. Making good choice is such a big deal to me because I have had the experience and consequence of so many poor ones. A wise woman told me that there will be times in my marriage where I will be right, but my husband will not listen to me. She encouraged me to remember, at those times, to trust in the Lord. He loves us each individually and is our great protector.

It is often times the choice that our husbands make that we submit to that drive us the most crazy. Sometimes we don't want to admit that we just wanted it our way, even if what they wanted wasn't really the end of the world. Sometimes we can't understand what they are thinking. But if we want our husbands to lead we have to trust them to make the choices, even when they are wrong, knowing that the Lord will show them their error if there is one. The truth stings a little, doesn't it?!

Lord, help me pray for the choices that my husband makes, for himself and for our family. Help me to trust that he has a relationship with You and know that You will reveal mistakes to him in your timing. Help me to not question my husbands choices or leadership, but to give my opinions out of love and encouragement. Help my husband to seek Your will for his life, especially in the details. Help the choices he's making be pleasing in your sight. I pray that he would never be wise in his own eyes. I pray that he would always love and embrace wisdom and instruction. I pray that he would love knowledge and seek Your counsel above all else. Help him to surround himself with wise people who can encourage him to make godly choices. I pray that he will be a wise man who hears and increases learning. May he become a man of understanding who always seeks wise counsel. Thank you Father for your desire for us to be wise. Let us seek after wisdom with our whole hearts.

1 comment:

Ilka said...

This chapter reminds me of the great need for us, "wives" to pray that our husbands have the fear of the Lord because is the beginning of wisdom, wisdom from our Heavenly Father. And with this in mind, we have comfort and peace in God, trusting & hoping our husbands make wise decisions.

I recall when Travis & I had a conversation on this subject "His Choices", he was searching my spirutual maturity, my heart, my thoughts and how I would be as a partner to him once we got married. I answered him that a wife is to be Submissive and with it I also had the chance to learn more about how close Travis lived by God's word, and if he understood his role as a husband. I vividly remember telling him, I know he will make choices that most likely I will not agree but that I trust God will guide his choices and helped me rest in Him.

Lord, I pray Travis & I come to you first with our plans, that we ultimately choose your path and that my trust/peace remains only in YOU. Help us be prayer partners, that we equipped our husbands with the armor of your word, and we uplift our husbands daily in prayer, interceding for them and that they consult YOU for everything!!!!Amen.