Saturday, January 24, 2009

sexuality and pregnancy hormones

so one minute I'm so cranky I can't see straight and the next moment I'm dragging my hubby to the bedroom (which he may or may not be too happy about since I was probably just mean to him) I'm nervous to know what next week's chapter is on because I bet that will be my weak area next week. Ah, the joys and powers of prayer.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

pray for me

I guess I'm being tested or whatever because my husband is driving me crazy and the last thing I want to do is have sex with him. I'm not even a big fan of touching him at the moment.

God help me to be selfless, patient and a good wife.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chapter 4 His Sexuality

My prayer for today...Lord help my husband and I to keep our sexual relationship a priority. Help me not to be irresponsible by letting too much time pass without us having sex. Help me to have sex with my husband when he wants to and not be selfish in this department. Help me to meet the needs of my husband first. Help me to remember how important it is to keep my husband fulfilled in this area. Help us both to keep our minds pure from outside sexual temptations. Help our desire to always be only for each other. Thank you for the blessings you have given us in this area. Thank you for healing us both from past relationships and not letting them be an issue sexually in our marriage. I pray that we would live in a continual state of forgiveness toward each other for our pasts. Help me to remember that my body is not my own. Help my husband to have the same biblical attitude. Help me to keep the truth of your word in my heart when the desire to have sex is not there. Help Amos and I to be on the same page as far as how often we desire sex and help us to be compromising when it is necessary. Help me to remember to take time to "freshen up" when I'm exhausted or unenthusiastic. Show me when I am letting negative emotions, like bitterness, self-pity or unforgiveness get in the way of my relationship with my husband. Help my husband and I to desire sexual purity. Guard our minds and our thoughts especially his when he is at work. Help us to be enraptured with each other, even throughout the chaos of life. I give you this part of our marriage, Lord, and I ask that you would help us maintain a healthy biblical view of sexuality in our marriage.
In Jesus name- Amen

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chapter 3 Finances

My desire is to always remember that the Lord is the provider for our family. My prayer is that God will keep my husband in a godly mindset regarding our finances. My husband handles all our finances and though he shares things with me I don't really have the stress of paying bills etc. It was difficult to give up at first, but God really uses it to help me truly trust my husband, even in areas that it's difficult that I want to have control over.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chapter 2 His Work

My husband is a very hard worker. My family helps me to remember that all the time. His desire to provide for his family is a top priority. The area that I struggle with most is desiring him to give us his time and energy in quality family time. He is trying to balance it all and if we stay on a progressing path I am confidant we will work this out in our marriage, or rather God will work it out for us. It is so difficult for us as women to see the income that men bring in as provision. But they are so fulfilled by it. It is important for me to remember not to undermine my husbands desire to work hard and provide for our family.

What I pray for most for my husband in this area is the way that he is influenced at work. When he first started working at this job he's at now. He would always come home coarse joking. (which we really pray not to do with each other) You could tell the way the guys talked to each other by the way Amos would talk to me. He'd be gone for 2 days at a time with no other real influences. It was very interesting. Through prayer and communication we have come a long way, but I always notice the way he is influenced. One of my greatest prayers now is that he would be a great influence, and not be greatly influenced.

Chapter 1

I have had such a bad attitude since reading chapter one. Maybe I'm just being emotional pregnant, but it seems more like worldly selfish. I just want to fuss at my husband for every little thing he does that I don't like. And what I like changes about every 5 minutes. So I really need to work on knowing when to be quiet and when to speak. Please pray for me in that area specifically. I have also been praying that God would reveal to me anything and everything I do that make situations worse. Well I have tons of notes on this chapter but I'll leave us with these questions?

What area do you need to work on to not escalate problems with your husband?

How can we hold each other accountable for not undermining or disrespecting our husbands?

I'm going to ask my husband when he feels disrespected and what I can do to show him that I respect him. That is my homework, I guess.