Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chapter 2 His Work

My husband is a very hard worker. My family helps me to remember that all the time. His desire to provide for his family is a top priority. The area that I struggle with most is desiring him to give us his time and energy in quality family time. He is trying to balance it all and if we stay on a progressing path I am confidant we will work this out in our marriage, or rather God will work it out for us. It is so difficult for us as women to see the income that men bring in as provision. But they are so fulfilled by it. It is important for me to remember not to undermine my husbands desire to work hard and provide for our family.

What I pray for most for my husband in this area is the way that he is influenced at work. When he first started working at this job he's at now. He would always come home coarse joking. (which we really pray not to do with each other) You could tell the way the guys talked to each other by the way Amos would talk to me. He'd be gone for 2 days at a time with no other real influences. It was very interesting. Through prayer and communication we have come a long way, but I always notice the way he is influenced. One of my greatest prayers now is that he would be a great influence, and not be greatly influenced.


Jessica said...

I whole-heartedly agree that a man's identity and self-worth is tied up in his work. My husband and I have experienced him being laid-off a couple of times in the last year and it is definitely damaging to a man's self-worth. I pray that whatever is to come, that I may be a supportive and understanding wife. My husband really likes the job he is at now...but I do feel that the Lord will call him to do something entirely different than construction management. Tony is definitely a people's person...people really like him and he has a strong influence over others. I am constantly telling him that the Lord has given him the ability to speak to people and people listen. Even though my husband casually ministers to others, I feel that the Lord will call him to a much larger purpose in ministry. So, I pray that my husband seeks the Lord and is open to God's will for him.

Ilka said...

Travis is a bible teacher for Jr. /High school and teaching God's words is his passion. However it’s very challenging and frustrating for Travis to teach God's word when he is faced with students lack of desire/interest to learn God's word, especially when is bible’s like trying to shove the word to them. So my prayer has been for God to prepare the hearts of those students he teaches, that Travis has patience and continuous to teach God's words trusting that the seed is planted in those children's hearts and that God's word will not be void.

Also, I pray that if it is in God's will for Travis to move from this position that he may open the doors for a new job where he can fulfill his calling/purpose in this life.