Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chapter 7 His Mind

"...bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ..." 1 Corinthians 10:5

The battle, however big or small, so often begins in our minds. It is when we entertain one misguided thought that we get so easily ensnared. Our thought life is important, especially since we are called to set our minds on things above.

I like how Stormie said she didn't have to accept her husband’s thoughts as "just the way he was". We get so caught up in that sometimes and forget that God desires us to be continually growing and maturing. I pray that we wouldn't settle for who we think we are or who we think our husbands are, but that we would seek to be like Christ in all our thoughts and choices.

Lord, please guard my husband's thoughts. Help him to know when the thoughts are not of you. Help him to recognize quickly which thoughts are dangerous for him to entertain. I pray that my husband will never be carnally minded, but will always think on things that are true and noble. Help him to serve you Lord with his entire mind.


Ilka said...

Nickole I'm glad that you also noted Stormie's lesson learned not to conform to the idea "just the. way he is". I ask God to renew Travis' mind daily and for him to have the discernment to cast all thoughts that are not good, acceptable and perfect will of God

About 8yrs ago I read "The battle field of the mind" by Beth Moore, excellent book! From then I will meditate on God's word and come to Him for guidance and revelation.
From the three months I been married to Travis, I've learned that though he knows the word of God and basically teaches it( he is a bible teacher for you ladies that don't know him), I find myself witnessing how the enemy can attack his mind with problems.

My prayer Lord is that you align Travis' thoughts with yours, that he is Christ minded. May your word defile all that is not from You.

Jennifer Acee said...

Well, better late than never, right? I've got the book and finally am caught up to the chapter you are on!

I'm glad to jump in on this week, as I'm especially fond of your post, Nickole. I'm of the belief that the importance of time spent in prayer - or being a Christian at large - is that we are reflecting on ourselves and our lives, discerning our shortcomings and affirming or reaffirming our desire to improve ourselves and become better people. I think we have to remind ourselves to act like the person we strive to be, and it's difficult to do that if you don't spend time trying to "control your mind," as Omartian says. I don't usually struggle with accepting my or my husband's weaknesses as "just the way we are." It's the changing them part that can be a daily struggle.

Kate said...

It's a powerful thing, a man's mind. And it is so right that Ilka recognized that no matter how godly a man may strive to be, "the enemy can [still] attack his mind with problems."

It is along my thinking that, of all the things in which we pray for husbands, this is the most significant aspect because it affects all of him....his temptations, the way he views money, etc.. (all previous chapters).

Loving Father,
Guide all of our husbands' thoughts along the path that You find righteous, true, and good. In You alone are godliness, faithfulness, love, and purity born.


Ilka said...

quick note: my bad, the author of the book "The battlefield of the mind" is Joyce Meyer.