Monday, April 27, 2009

Chapter 17- His Relationships

The proverbs tell us that bad company corrupts good character. Who we spend the most time with influences us. It is just a simple truth, whether we like to admit it or not. Amos has told me about 3 Christian men at his new job. He is already so encouraged just to have other believers around him. This week as I have been praying for my husbands relationships he has asked a friend of ours to join him for accountability. I know he has wanted to do that for such a long time and has just not made it a priority. I believe it is not only important to encourage him to spend time with godly men, but to also encourage him in his relationships where he is an example to them also.

It is often difficult as a wife to encourage my husband to go out and be with his friends. My desire is for him to be with us as a family when he is home. I guess that is why I enjoy having couples that we both like that we can spend time with.

Lord, please help me to always encourage my husband in maintaining good relationships with his friends and family. Please surround him with godly men, who love to speak the truth. Thank you for the good men that Amos already has in his life, and I pray Lord that you would cultivate those relationships. Help me to do what I can to help him, without nagging of course. Show me if there is anything that I am doing that is hindering my husband from seeking the council of godly men. I pray that we would not forsake the assembling with other believers. I pray that we would make relationships a priority in our lives. Help us to have honest relationships where we speak the truth of God and not sustain relationships that are superficial and not beneficial. Please guide my husband in his choices for friends. Give him wisdom and discernment on who to seek council from. Thank you for the edifying relationships that we already have. Please help us to remember that as iron sharpens iron so do we sharpen each other.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Chapter 16- His Priorities

It has been interesting to see how what we are praying for during the week infiltrates our lives. For a couple reasons, I have not really felt like much of a priority to my husband. It is not like I have a husband who completely ignores me or treats me poorly, but I just didn't feel like he was listening to me or giving me any of his undivided attention. Call me girly or pregnant or whatever but that is the way I was feeling.

As I read this weeks chapter, I felt that familiar wash of conviction come over me. What have I been doing to make Amos feel like he is a priority to me? What have I been doing to keep God as a priority, besides the easy, make it to church and Bible study? And after thinking about it I realized that in the four days Amos was home I really more put the burden of Elijah and the house on him instead of trying to make his days a time of rest and relaxation for him. There are no days off when you are a mom, and when you chose to stay at home and raise your children, there is an idea that says the children and the home are our jobs and hence our responsibility. I feel a great obligation and desire to make my home a safe, comfortable place for my husband and my children. I believe that it is my responsibility to shape the heart of my home. This week I lost sight of that whether it was because I was tired or overwhelmed or just resented the fact that there is never a real day off for moms. The point is that in my selfishness I was not making my husband a priority. I wasn't doing the things that I know he likes to have done. As a result I felt my husband make me less a priority, though I know it wasn't willingly or intentional.

Lord, I pray that both my husband and myself would always put You and Your will for our lives first. I pray that I would set the example of what Your priorities are to be in our lives to my husband and children. Let our desire be to always seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness knowing that all other things will fall into place. Help us to look to the interests of others before our own interests. Let us be selfless in all things. Above all else let us have godly priorities and not get caught up in what the world says our priorities should be. Thank you Lord for conviction. Thank you for showing me when I'm at fault, picking me up when I stumble and growing me through all things. Please give my husband a heart that is molded to Your priorities.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

His Reputation 2

Today is my husband's day to cook lunch and dinner for the crew. They all pitch in $10 and Amos makes lunch and dinner. He seemed so nervous. Anyway, I just thought it was funny that I was praying for him today and decided to pray that "his reputation" wouldn't be ruined by his cooking. I don't know why but I think I'm so funny.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Chapter 15- His reputation

A few days ago I sat at the badge pinning ceremony for Amos at his new job. As I looked around at all the people I knew that these were the men and women who would be associated with our family through Amos's work for the next several years. My desire for my husband to be a man of good reputation amongst them was intense. As a Christian you have a greater responsibility to represent yourself well. After all we are ambassadors for Christ. (2 Cor 5:20)

Lord I pray that my husband would be 'know in the gates, as he sits among the elders of the land'. I pray that his reputation would always precede him and that others would see Christ through his behavior. Guard him from any attacks on his reputation. Let people see him as a man of God, who loves you and serves you and does not compromise his values. Let people see him of the man of integrity that he is. I pray that you would guard him from people that want to make him look him bad. Let him make good choices so that those around him can recognize him as a man of good reputation. Let him always remember that he is representing you Lord in this world, and help him to remember the standard that holds him to. Let him not be concerned with what others think of him, but be concerned with what You think of him, knowing that if he is pleasing You there is nothing anyone can justifiably bring against him.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chapter 14- His Integrity

This is another issue that is very close to my heart. I used to find the "chameleon" trait attractive. People who could adapt to all situations were most appealing to me. It took me years to see the compromise and lack of integrity in this kind of behavior. I thank God daily that my husband has chosen to be a man of integrity and though he still doesn't have all the answers he will always stand by what he knows to be truth. I know that it is difficult for him at times to be the only one standing up in a room full of people sitting down not paying attention, but I respect him so much for his desire to please God before men.

Lord, please keep my husband a man of integrity. Let him never compromise Your standards to please people. I know Lord that he has a desire to please others, but I pray that his desire to please You would always supersede. Let him realize the precious gift that integrity is and let him pursue it with his whole heart on a daily basis. Let his integrity guide him. Let him be grounded in the truths of Your word, so that he does not stumble. Let his integrity breed righteousness in his heart, attitudes and actions. Please Father, guard him from the enemy when Amos is standing for You. Protect him against attacks of his thoughts when he is walking in the light of Your standards. Let Your word be on the forefront of his mind so that he can let his yes be yes and his no be no. Help him to stand firm and not compromise out of laziness or because something is easy. Let integrity and uprightness preserve him Lord. Let his integrity be an example of Your love, grace and mercy to those around him. Thank you again Father for a husband of integrity to share my life with. Thank you that you kept us set aside for each other despite ourselves. I am grateful to You for him. Let me always remember what a blessing it is that the man you gave me to share my life is a man of integrity. Thank you Lord.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Chapter 13- His Trials

This one is near and dear to my heart. I am a firm believer that God molds our character through our trials, if we let Him. Amos has a tendency to be negative and see the worst in a situation, even though often times he doesn't see what he is saying as negative. I feel like we are supposed to be encouraged by our trials and seek to know what the Lord's desire for us to learn. After all "...the testing of our faith produces patience. And let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect, complete, lacking nothing." (James 1:3-4)

Lord I do pray with my whole heart that Amos would be joyful in his trials knowing that You are working in him and through him. I pray that before trials even come you would change his attitude to one that desires a testing of his faith, patience and the desire to be perfect, complete and lacking nothing. I pray that you wouldn't spare him anything that will grow his character toward you, but that he would always have right thinking and attitudes during his trials. I pray these things for myself as well. When he is in a trial, make me sensitive to it. Help me to pray for him more, when times are difficult for him. Let me be very knowledgeable about what my husband is going through so that I may always be able to intercede on his behalf. Help him to love the refiners fire. Help him to remember in these times that you will always sustain him. Help him to be grounded in the security of his salvation. Let him always look to you for peace and understanding. Help him to remember that You will always revive him and bring him up from his downs. Let him always rest in the currents of your word, so that he may rise above the storm and focus on the love and sacrifice of our dear Lord.

Chapter 12 His Protection

It's funny to me how often we take our safety for granted. The fact that my husband is going to return safely to me from wherever he has been is something I just always assume. Just driving alone can feel like such a hazard sometimes. My husband isn't always the most patient driver either. And the kicker for me is that sometimes I picture doing physical harm to him myself. A good kick in the shin would probably serve him well, I often think in my anger. And then I have to seriously think Lord, please protect him. (even from me) haha...

I really liked ol Stormie's prayer for protection.

Lord, I do pray that you would protect my husband in all areas of his life both spiritual and physical. Please Lord, give him the wisdom to make safe choices. Help him to be on Your path with steadfast feet. Guide his steps and protect him from being blindsided by spiritual attacks. Let him always be prepared and ready. I pray that Amos would abide in the shadow of your wings, that he would always be under your covering. In times of trouble, I pray that he would look to you as his rock and stand firm. I pray that he would remember that you are always with him. Be his deliverer, his strength and his stronghold. Thank you for the protection, I know you have already provided for him. Please continue to protect him. Thank you Lord.

my apologies

Sorry ladies I'm behind on blogging and praying for that matter. According to the schedule (Check Post Dec. 2008) I'm way behind. So I am going to catch up this week.

Schedule was supposed to be...

Week 12 (Mar 18-24) His Protection
Week 13 (Mar 25-31) His Trials
Week 14 (April 1-7) His Integrity
Week 15 (April 8-14) His Reputation

Since this is written as a daily study I'm going to catch up by doing one a day and my prayer is that you will join me.

April 5- his protection
April 6- his trials
April 7- his integrity
April 8-14 his reputation

then we should be back on schedule.

thanks for your patience...lets have a great week of prayer.