Saturday, April 18, 2009

Chapter 16- His Priorities

It has been interesting to see how what we are praying for during the week infiltrates our lives. For a couple reasons, I have not really felt like much of a priority to my husband. It is not like I have a husband who completely ignores me or treats me poorly, but I just didn't feel like he was listening to me or giving me any of his undivided attention. Call me girly or pregnant or whatever but that is the way I was feeling.

As I read this weeks chapter, I felt that familiar wash of conviction come over me. What have I been doing to make Amos feel like he is a priority to me? What have I been doing to keep God as a priority, besides the easy, make it to church and Bible study? And after thinking about it I realized that in the four days Amos was home I really more put the burden of Elijah and the house on him instead of trying to make his days a time of rest and relaxation for him. There are no days off when you are a mom, and when you chose to stay at home and raise your children, there is an idea that says the children and the home are our jobs and hence our responsibility. I feel a great obligation and desire to make my home a safe, comfortable place for my husband and my children. I believe that it is my responsibility to shape the heart of my home. This week I lost sight of that whether it was because I was tired or overwhelmed or just resented the fact that there is never a real day off for moms. The point is that in my selfishness I was not making my husband a priority. I wasn't doing the things that I know he likes to have done. As a result I felt my husband make me less a priority, though I know it wasn't willingly or intentional.

Lord, I pray that both my husband and myself would always put You and Your will for our lives first. I pray that I would set the example of what Your priorities are to be in our lives to my husband and children. Let our desire be to always seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness knowing that all other things will fall into place. Help us to look to the interests of others before our own interests. Let us be selfless in all things. Above all else let us have godly priorities and not get caught up in what the world says our priorities should be. Thank you Lord for conviction. Thank you for showing me when I'm at fault, picking me up when I stumble and growing me through all things. Please give my husband a heart that is molded to Your priorities.

1 comment:

Ilka said...

I like when Omartian states "Priorities have to do with the position in the heart." God knows our heart's true intentions, and we are able to do the best we can in our everyday roles/responsibilities when we model Jesus and put God first in everything we do. With Him we can do ALL things.

I agree with Nickole that certain responsibilities are obvious (i.e home, children) that as "women" we inherit, yet when we ask God to give us the strength to accomplish the day's work, it’s much easier than when we lose focus and begin feeling selfish and overwhelmed. We can rest in Him, who renews our strength.

I'm not saying we are to be Slave but there is a time to work and a time to play, of course we will feel unappreciated at times, and that all the burden is in us, but when we feel that way remember to call upon our Lord, who hears us and it is in those moments of frustration that God's speaks to us and contrite/convicts our hearts, reality check...Jesus carry the heaviest burden of all...the world's SINS.

Lord please keep Travis and I focus on you, may we seek you first, and put our spouse, children next as our priorities. Lord Jesus, we trust in your grace/faithfulness to keep us and that your right hand will always hold on to us. Amen.