Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Proverbs 14

Sorry, no 12 or 13...busy birthing baby.

The wise woman builds her house…I feel like I’m growing my house…can that count and make me wise?! Seriously though, as I sit here in my new home with my young boys I am convicted to always use God’s wisdom to make my house a home. I pray that my fear of the Lord would keep me walking upright, setting an excellent example to my children.
“Where no oxen are, there trough is clean, but much increase comes by the strength of an ox.” Proverbs 14:4
I love that verse. Isn’t it true that sometimes the most efficient way to do things is still such difficult work? There really are pros and cons to everything. I think of having a car. It costs money to purchase and maintain, but you can put your entire family in it and get to grandma’s house in 20 min. On the surface it would seem like having a car would just cost too much money, but for all it does for us, it’s worth it. Oxen made working on the crops so much easier and more efficient, but they did have to clean up after the animals. The end justified the means. We need to be wise in the choices we make.
V12… We can get so caught up in “our own way” of doing things that we don’t realize we are on a destructive path. That is why it is so important to always set Jesus Christ as your standard and keep your eyes focused on the Word, so you are not caught on a path that seems right to you, but is really leading to death.
V29… I have heard people describe impulsive as an admirable trait. I’m sure I myself described it as such at some point in my life. As I was reading this verse I realized that if the opposite of impulsive is self-controlled then there is no way biblically to justify both of these qualities as good.
V34…Let me first say than that I am a political advocate of Romans 13:1 that says God appoints all authorities. I vote and I pray for the leadership in our country. There may or may not be a time when God does not exalt our nation anymore due to our lack of righteousness. This verse reminded me first and foremost to be in prayer for my country, and to acknowledge that is has always been the hand of God that has made our country the blessing it is to live in.

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