Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Proverbs 15

I have many notes on this chapter, but I think I’m just going to regurgitate my thoughts about the couple of verses that were so pertinent to me today.
V1… “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger…”
V17-18… “Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fatted calf with hatred. A wrathful man stirs up strife, gut he who is slow to anger allays contention.”

Not, that those of you who read this don’t know, but I’ll just remind you of my current life scenario. We have just brought home a 3 day old baby, have an almost 18 month old and my husband is home for 2 weeks to help with the transition.
I read half of chapter 15 last night. God knew that I would need to hear verse one going through my head all day long. I was so convicted when I read this last night about my tone of voice when I say things. I really had to ask myself if my tone was soft or harsh. Sometimes when we’ve learned certain things “not to say” we can still be so cutting with our tone. Well, truth be told I spend a few parts of the day in tears, but I was trying very hard to turn away wrath and not stir up anger. I doubt I did a very good job because it doesn’t seem like it was a very peaceful day, but I suppose, though I can’t imagine, it would have been worse had I not read this late last night. God knows my heart and will reveal to me my weakness in this particular area. I pray I will take His correction with acceptance and grace.
As I have been home the last few nights with my husband (remember he’s not always home at night) I have really remember how true verses 17 and 18 are. Any married couple with agree that they would rather have a dinner of herbs in a peaceful home than some steaks with a quarreling spouse. Please pray for me dear friends, that I would not do anything to stir up strife. Pray that I would accept the help I need and not judge the way my husband when he handles things differently than I do. I am feeling very insecure, not physically feeling well enough to manage my home on my own. I pray that God would keep my answers soft and our home filled with sacrificial love.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I've just finished reading Chapter 16 for today (Thurs), so my mind is full of what I've just read, but I couldn't help but completely understand and identify with what you've written about tone of voice. It's humbling to admit it, but my tone of voice is something that my husband has told me can anger him more than almost anything. Wow...such strong words and, if I'm honest, so very true. Why is it easier to speak with discord? Not only that, but why is it so easy to speak with discord to the people we love the most?

This study of Proverbs has prompted me to consider what I say, how I say it, and when I say it. You can be assured, dear friend, that you are in my prayers through this adjustment and beyond :)