Thursday, July 23, 2009

Proverbs 23

The themes that stuck out at me most today were what I am going to call; things not to get led astray by. Yes, I know my grammar is impeccable. First we are told not to be led astray the desire to get rich. We are not to overwork ourselves with the goal of wealth in our minds and hearts. We are not to be led astray by our desire for the fancy things the rich folk have. Daniel was a great example of this. He didn’t take the king’s delicacies and I can’t help but wonder if Daniel didn’t want to feel like he owed the king anything.
We are not to be led astray by food or drink. I found it interesting and by that I mean convicting, that the drunkard and the glutton are put in the same category in verses 19-21. I do love me some food. I find that often times we revolve our lives around what and when we are going to eat. Food is not used as a means by which we sustain energy so we can better serve the Lord, but rather something to gratify our own specific wants. If I am honest with myself, I will have to admit that the way I eat and even choose meals is really quite self indulgent. That is gluttonous in of itself, is it not? There is some severe warning s against drunkenness too. Those who love the drink will be full of woe, sorrow, contentions, and complaints, wounds without cause, red eyes, bites and stings. But that is not what Satan would have us think, is it? The world will tell us that drinking will relax us and make us happy. The world will have us seek after temporary fulfillment and instant gratification. We must remember that the Word is Truth and its warnings are to protect us and help us live more satisfying lives.
We also don’t want to be let astray by how the world would tell us to raise our children. God requires us to discipline them. The sting of a spanking will wear off, but there are consequences to sin that will last a lifetime. As we Sheppard our children through their lives, we must remember to obey the ways God tells us to parent. Amos and I are reading through Shepparding a Child’s Heart. It is an amazing book that really gets to the heart of God in raising our children. I’m thinking of going through a study on that book next. “For surely there is a hereafter…” What are we living for? This life is a marathon. Run with endurance and keep your eye on the price. There is a hereafter. Focus on eternity with Christ. It will be our great reward

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