Monday, July 6, 2009

Proverbs 6

Good stewardship is so important. Proverbs 6 discourages us from even helping others be poor stewards by helping them acquire debt. These days I think of co-signing a loan, or letting someone use your credit card. It is not only bad for them, but it ensnares us too.
We have to work hard, like ants. I thought about ants for a while this morning. I have never seen one that was not moving, and they never really give up either. They can carry things that are way bigger than they are which signifies strength. They seem to always be gathering and preparing. This is how we are told to work. We should be strong, diligent, prepared and always willing to keep moving forward. I mean seriously have you ever tried to drown an ant. They really don’t go down without a fight. And I’ve noticed when trials come in our lives it often feels like someone is trying to drown us and just trying to keep our heads above water takes all our strength, but we must be inspired by our tiny little friends and not give up. After all, laziness brings on poverty. Isn’t it amazing that God created ants to give us examples of things like this. They always seem like such a nuisance if we see them, but really there is a lot to admire about these little insects.
We get a very good picture of a wicked man in Proverbs 6. They are always trying to deceive people. Look out for that, especially my young ladies who are still looking for husband quality men. There are serious consequences for these people. They will be broken without remedy.
Today’s reading also brought more warnings about adultery. It is such a serious topic. What I really noticed today was what a preventative sin it really is. We are not to even lust after beauty in our hearts. Adultery doesn’t just happen. It is not an accidental thing. We must remember that it is a slow progression that begins in our hearts and minds. Don’t even let these thoughts enter your heart. The consequences for such sin are long lasting and severe.

1 comment:

Jessco1 said...

I think that the downside of debt is extremely prevalent right now in our society. It all goes back to living in the world - we, as believers are NOT of this world and we need to constantly remind ourselves of that. As to adultery; flee from the temptation. As someone who has been on the wrong side of it, it is devastating and the effect of it never goes away. It is like a cancer to your relationship and even if you try to forgive - you will never, ever forget. The woman who slept with my husband got physically ill from the guilt and although I eventually forgave him, I never trusted him again. Do not let this ever happen. It IS preventable, just walk away. I also love how this Proverb equates prostitution with comparing your body to bread. You are but an object if you allow sins of the flesh to control your actions. I think the most important thing is to be in constant communication with the Lord. Ask Him - he will show you the way.