Saturday, July 25, 2009

Proverbs 24 and 25

While going through old boxes in the garage I came across an old Bible. I found it interesting to see what I highlighted in Proverbs 24 and 25, oh so many years ago. I suppose t he Lord was trying to reveal Himself to me even then. It seems that whatever I read in those days must have gone in one ear and out the other because I don’t remember retaining any of the lessons I see when I read it today. As I look back on my life and what was going on in it, I see now how God was trying to warn me to stay away from “wicked” men. I see how He was trying to show me that wisdom and knowledge are beautiful and rare treasures. I see that He was trying to tell me that there would be times of trouble and that if I would just strengthen myself I would not falter. I see that He was trying to tell me that wisdom would be my soul mate and my hope would be found there. He was trying to show me the sweetness of the truth. He was trying to tell me that I would be wronged and to not seek revenge, even in my heart. He was trying to show me that there is a difference between people who are being a “led astray” and those who are “staggering toward death.” He was trying to show me to have a great love for them, but not to be stumbled by them. He was warning me against laziness, procrastination and making excuses. He was telling me to make sure I knew what I was talking about before I got involved in a situation. He was trying to show me how important it is to keep someone’s confidence. God was trying to change my mindset from “I don’t care what people think of me” to “being a woman of good reputation is important”. He was preparing my heart for people who would set the example of patience and gentleness. He was trying to prepare my heart for valuable rebuking. He was trying to warn me against putting my faith in unfaithful people in times of trouble.
This Bible was read in High School; though there was much I didn’t understand. I know that God word’s does not return void. He prepared my heart for the next season in my life, even when I didn’t realize it. Had I picked up my Bible more during that season I would have seen the words that were highlighted and how important they were to me in those particular days.
I am grateful now at the way God reveals himself to me in His Word. I am grateful for the lessons He taught me through my circumstances, though I realize now what a fool I was to have the answers in front of me all along. God is so good. Jesus is so faithful. What a blessing it is to serve our risen Lord.

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