Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Proverbs 7

Almost this entire chapter is about the crafty harlot. I pondered her for some time this morning. First I heeded the warnings of qualities not to have based on her description. Not to be loud or rebellious out lurking in the streets trying to deceive men .This woman was so alluring. Her husband is away and she is using her enticing speech and flattering lips to get a man into bed with her.
I’m not proud, but saddened to say that I understand the harlot. I know there was a time in my life where I used all the allurement I could muster up for the attention of men. It is easy for me to see how she is craving attention and physical fulfillment. As embarrassing as it is to admit, there was a time when I took pride in knowing that a man desired to be with me. This was most obviously not a better time in my life.
As most of you know I have a baby due any day now. One of the names we especially like for a girl is Delilah. There have been many people who have brought up what a horrible namesake that would be for a girl because of the famous story of Samson and Delilah. I never knew this story as a girl. I have only learned its tale in the last 5 years or so. With both the stories of Adam and Eve and Samson and Delilah I believe there is a great opportunity to explain to a young girl and woman the potential influence she can have in a man’s life. The Bible gives many clear examples of the influence a woman can have, both positive and negative in a man’s life. Delilah and Eve were both very selfish in stumbling their men. What an opportunity to show my daughter how even with great influence she needs to put God’s values first and consider the consequences for the men she is stumbling.
As a married woman serving the Lord, I am blessed to not struggle in this area anymore. God has shown me the consequences of my sin toward others. I would like to encourage anyone who does struggle with seeking attention from men, whether single or married, to really guard yourself and seek the Lord in this area. Be modest in both your speech and attire. It is summer and it is hot. It is easy to notice attention when you are wearing tiny clothes. Guard your body, your lips and your mind.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I, too, spent most of the morning thinking about the very sly harlot. I thought about how it is part of woman's nature to want to be regarded as beautiful and attractive and desirable. The danger is when single women use their God-given gift of femininity to "trap" men (men have their own faults, but I am concentrating on the wiles of women) and when married woman use their blessings from God to attract men other than their husbands. I am reminded to put effort into pleasing my husband...a sweet smile, a little makeup, pretty clothes (do they even exist in the maternity section??).

My favorite verse of this chapter is 7:25 “Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.” It speaks to me of the dangers of temptation. If we protect our hearts--our souls--against even the smallest temptation then we are protected against going astray.