Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1-4

When you get behind in a task like reading the Bible in one year, it is generally said not to try to catch up, but to start on the day you should be on. This is advice I generally adhere to however this morning I was blessed to have a significant amount of time in bed while my husband watched the boys. I sat with my beautiful 4 week old Josie and read 10 chapters of God's glorious Word. It was such a rare blessing to sit for so long and enjoy so much reading.

Matthew 1-10 is filled with some of the most amazing verses in all of scripture. The genealogy of Jesus, John the Baptist, Jesus' baptism and Jesus being tested in the wilderness, not to mention the Sermon on the Mount, full of so many beautiful scriptures we as Christians choose to live by, were just a few of the passages I was blessed to read through today in one sitting.

Thank you Lord for Your beautiful Word. Thank you for a godly husband who sacrificed the things he wanted to do this morning so that I could be immersed in the scriptures. You are so faithful to meet our needs. Fill me with all I need to be obedient to You. Let me be one who does the will of my Father in heaven so that I may enter the kingdom of heaven. May I not be one who says "Lord, Lord" and hears the words " I never knew you" from the Savior of the world.

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